What's New

Mangroves headed north for the summer
Climate change is making it possible for mangroves to grow further north than they ever have. Great for erosion control.

Featured Snorkel Spot
Navy Patrol Wreck, Cozumel Mexico
85 feet long and in about 20ft of water. A great shallow wreck that you can reach from shore.
Giant Pumice Raft - its a good thing?
There is a giant pumice raft floating towards Queensland Australia, nearly 58 square miles large. First spotted on Aug 12, scientists say it came from an underwater volcano near the island of Tonga.
Even More Maps
Several additional maps for the curious snorkeler.
- Tropical coral reefs of the world
- Current coral bleaching event conditions
- Ocean current of the world

Great news for Florida's coral reefs
For the first time, scientists at the Florida Aquarium have coaxed Atlantic coral polyps to reproduce in a lab. This is great news as they hope to repopulate the imperiled reefs along Florida's Atlantic coast.